I didn’t see how you spawn in, or the loadout screen for choosing weapon loadouts. That’s just my guess, because DICE’s Battlefront demo doesn’t offer a complete picture of what the game is actually like to play. And then.well, our Rebel trooper is probably in for a respawn. Of course he bats aside blaster bolts with his lightsaber as he walks towards the camera.
Star wars battlefront 2 pc demo generator#
The demo ends with the Rebel trooper entering an Imperial bunker (think the shield generator in Return of the Jedi), only to watch his comrade levitate off the ground, choking, before being tossed to the side like a doll. Barely visible through the forest canopy, those AI-controlled Y-Wings drop an explosive payload on top of the AT-AT, which sags to its knees and collapses after its cockpit explodes. He has to sit on the uplink spot for a few moments, like capturing a control point in Battlefield, before successfully calling in the Y-Wing strike. To destroy the looming AT-AT, our star Rebel trooper interacts with a small satellite uplink to call in a flight of Y-Wing bombers. The demo hints at some objectives or at least interactive elements to the mode. Some players will shoot it out on the ground while others dogfight in X-Wings and TIE Fighters in the skies above. Other maps and modes will support smaller player counts, down to as few as eight players.Īs the biggest mode (or possibly one of several modes to support 40 players-DICE wouldn’t say), Walker Assault mixes together all of Battlefront’s main ingredients. As DICE will later explain, this is a demo of a new mode called Walker Assault, which will support Battlefront’s largest player count with 40 players. It looks as lumbering and heavy and imposing as an AT-AT should as our star Rebel trooper dashes between its legs. Soon an AT-AT is pushing its way through the forest, towering above the petty ground skirmishes below. Like Battlefront 2, this game will allow for switching between first-person and third-person at any time. At another point, he switches from first-person view to third-person and runs around hip-firing his blaster rifle. At one point, the trooper picks up a heavy duty sniper blaster and scopes in. There’s no aim-down-sights to be found in first-person, just a reticule in the center of the screen that feels more like classic Battlefront than DICE’s Battlefield. An AT-ST shows up, and another Rebel trooper uses a jetpack to rocket off the ground and blow up its cockpit with a rocket launcher. A blaster and minimalist HUD appears on screen and we’re running across Endor in first-person, blasting stormtroopers off speeder bikes (the speeders explode in fiery flashes), blasting stormtroopers in the face, and watching other Rebel troops eat lasers in return. It has all of the graphics, and those infinite graphics are being used to render Star Wars-specifically classic, original trilogy Star Wars-with as much faithful detail as possible. The Frostbite engine is just showing off. In the opening moments of DICE’s Star Wars Battlefront demo, the camera peacefully pans down from the forest canopy to the verdant underbrush, and even though this is pre-alpha footage (running on a PlayStation 4, no less), it looks incredible.

If it weren’t for the telltale shimmer of aliasing, I’d swear the dense foliage of the forest moon of Endor was real.